How to enable Cheats on Witcher 3

Cheats are an excellent way to rediscover a beloved video game from a fresh perspective. And in an iconic title like The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, a well-placed cheat can enhance your adventure in ways you never imagined!

The Witcher 3 Cheat Menu is a powerful tool that allows players to tweak their experience to their liking. Whether you need a quick fix for a tough challenge (like running low on gold) or want to transform Geralt’s journey completely (turning him into an unstoppable force), cheats can be a game-changer. This guide is designed to provide all the essential information for players new to using cheats. Use it whenever you want to elevate your gameplay on PC, Xbox, or PlayStation!

the witcher 3 cheat menu

Why Enable Cheats?

Players generally fall into two categories – those who embrace cheats and those who prefer to stick to the default rules. The latter may choose to experience the game in its purest form for a greater sense of challenge and accomplishment, and that’s completely valid. However, single-player RPGs like The Witcher 3 offer a perfect opportunity to experiment with cheats since they don’t affect other players.

Unlike in multiplayer games, where cheating is unfair and discouraged, single-player adventures exist solely for your entertainment. Mods and cheat codes let you reshape the game to match your preferences. If you’re unsure, we suggest completing the base game and DLCs without cheats first and then using them in a second playthrough for a new perspective.

Enabling Cheats: Step-by-Step Guide

Activating cheats in The Witcher 3 Cheat Menu is slightly more complex than in some other games, requiring modifications to the game files. But with this detailed breakdown, you’ll have everything up and running in no time!

Step 1: Unlock Console Access

To enter cheat codes, you need to enable the Witcher 3 Cheat Menu through one of two methods.

The first method involves using Steam:

  1. Open Steam and navigate to your game library.
  2. Find The Witcher 3 and right-click it.
  3. Select Properties, then Local Files, and click Browse Local Files.
  4. Navigate through bin > config > base.
  5. Right-click on general.ini, open it in Notepad, and scroll to the bottom.
  6. Add the following line at the end:
  1. Save the file and start the game. Now, press ~ to open the cheat console.

The second method is simpler and involves mods:

  1. Visit and download the Debug Console Enabler for The Witcher 3.
  2. Extract the .zip file’s contents into the x64 folder within the bin directory.
  3. That’s it! Your cheat console is now ready.

Step 2: Enabling Cheats

Now that the cheat console is activated, you can enter various codes to modify your game experience.

Now, let’s get to the fun part – the actual cheat codes you can use in the Witcher 3 Cheat Menu.

Most Useful Cheats:

  • god – total immortality
  • healme – refill HP
  • levelup – gain one experience level
  • Geralt – play as Geralt
  • Ciri – play as Ciri
  • makeitrain – start raining
  • stoprain – stop rain
  • addexp(x) – gain a specific amount of experience points
  • addmoney(x) – receive the specified amount of gold
  • witchcraft – add all items in the game to your inventory (may cause crashes)
  • additem (name, x) – obtain a specified item in the desired quantity

Best Combat Cheats:

  • addabl('ConAthletic') – boosts vitality and stamina regeneration
  • addabl('ConImmortal') – increases vitality by 99,800 points
  • addabl('DamageBuff') – boosts attack and spell power by 200
  • killall – eliminates all NPCs on-screen
  • dismember – instantly dismembers a targeted NPC
  • likeaboss – every hit deals 40% of the enemy’s max health as damage

Exploration Commands:

  • gotoKaerMohren – teleport to Kaer Morhen
  • gotoNovigrad – teleport to Novigrad
  • gotoSkellige – teleport to Skellige Islands
  • showAllFT (0/1) – reveal all fast travel points on the map
  • AllowFT(0/1) – enables fast travel from anywhere

Gwent Codes:

  • secretgwint – start a Gwent match
  • winGwint(0/1) – win or lose a Gwent match
  • addgwintcards – unlock all Gwent cards

Appearance Commands:

  • WitcherHairstyler('1’/’2’/’3’) – switch hairstyles
  • shave – remove Geralt’s beard
  • addHairDLC2 – give Geralt a mohawk
  • settattoo(0/1) – apply or remove a neck tattoo

Unlocking the True Potential: Mods

Sometimes, certain gameplay enhancements aren’t achievable with cheat codes alone. That’s where mods come in! Visit NexusMods, read the instructions, and explore the incredible customizations created by fellow players. However, keep in mind that The Witcher 3 can only support up to 49 mods simultaneously.

Some fun mods include:

  • Vampires Have No Shadows – making it easier to identify them
  • A Minecraft Sword – a fun crossover weapon
  • Ciri Cyberpunk 2077 Samurai Outfit – futuristic flair for Ciri
  • Better Hair – improved natural hair physics
  • No Time for Gwent – auto-win Gwent matches
  • Atmospheric Nights – highly immersive night-time visuals
  • Naked Geralt – because why not?


As you can see, by tweaking just a few settings, you can send Geralt running around in the rain, drunk, and unarmored. That’s quite a transformation with minimal effort! But on a more serious note, many of these commands are extremely useful for fixing lighting issues, graphical glitches, annoying NPCs, or long travel times.

Video games exist to provide entertainment – don’t hesitate to make adjustments if you ever feel frustrated with an in-game challenge. Life is already hard enough, so take advantage of these tricks to make your Witcher 3 Cheat Menu experience legendary!

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