AFK Journey Tier List

AFK Journey features many units for you to field, and the meta is constantly evolving with an extensive roster of heroes to collect. Determining which units to include in your team can be overwhelming, especially depending on the content you are tackling. Fortunately, our AFK Journey Tier List guide will help you identify the best units to fit seamlessly into your composition.

How This AFK Journey Tier List Is Made

This guide evaluates units based on the major content types in the game. Currently, these include Story Mode, Dream Realm, and PvP, each requiring different skills and synergies. For the most effective team compositions, refer to the tier list based on the specific mode you wish to excel in. Below are the AFK Journey Tier Rankings for each category:


Some units perform exceptionally well across multiple game modes, making them valuable assets. If you own any of these, you are fortunate, as they require only minor adjustments to fit into most compositions.

S Tier

Dionel, Scarlita, Granny Dahnie, Temesia, Rowan, Odie, Koko, Reinier, Thoran

A Tier

Hewynn, Shakir, Vala, Cecia, Carolina, Bryon, Eironn, Smokey and Meerky, Cassadee, Rhys, Parisa, Lyca, Seth, Korin, Viperian, Marilee

B Tier

Berial, Igor, Lumont, Brutus, Antandra, Silvina, Niru, Kruger, Mirael, Walker

C Tier

Atalanta, Damian, Satrana, Lucius, Valen, Arden, Fay, Salazer, Kafra

Story Mode

For Story Mode, you need a balanced combination of high DPS and sustain. Battles should be resolved efficiently, so adaptability is key. Depending on story progression, boss fights, and other content, you may need to swap units accordingly.

S Tier

Hewynn, Vala, Rowan, Odie, Thoran, Cecia, Reinier, Koko, Bryon, Granny Dahnie, Lyca, Eironn, Korin, Scarlita, Dionel, Shakir, Smokey and Meerky, Carolina, Silvina, Igor, Viperian

A Tier

Arden, Temesia, Marilee, Valen, Seth, Antandra, Brutus, Berial, Cassadee, Rhys, Niru, Kafra, Walker, Lucius, Mirael

B Tier

Parisa, Fay, Kruger, Satrana, Salazer

C Tier

Chippy, Hammie, Atalanta, Lumont

Dream Realm

In Dream Realm, the key is to maximize DPS and damage-over-time effects (DoTs). The ideal team consists of heroes that excel in prolonged battles and sustain high single-target DPS. Units that provide buffs and debuffs consistently are highly rated in this mode.

S Tier

Marilee, Korin, Kruger, Smokey and Meerky, Odie, Thoran, Reinier, Koko, Temesia, Cassadee

A Tier

Byron, Lyca, Damian, Walker, Vala, Rowan, Scarlita, Seth, Shakir, Rhys, Cecia, Hewynn, Eironn, Lucius, Dionel, Satrana, Brutus, Berial, Mirael, Salazar, Carolina

B Tier

Granny Dahnie, Parisa, Fay, Valen, Antandra, Niru, Silvina, Igor, Viperian

C Tier

Chippy, Hammie, Arden, Kafra, Atalanta, Lumont


For PvP, fights need to end swiftly, with a solid frontline to absorb initial damage. Support units should provide buffs and cleansing abilities to remove debuffs, while AoE and burst damage heroes thrive in this mode.

S Tier

Thoran, Reinier, Koko, Hewynn, Arden, Vala, Seth, Shakir, Berial, Silvina, Igor, Viperian, Cecia

A Tier

Byron, Granny Dahnie, Temesia, Dionel, Antandra, Smokey and Meerky, Brutus, Salazer, Lyca, Parisa, Walker, Marilee, Lucius, Korin, Cassadee, Rhys, Niru

B Tier

Kafra, Fay, Valen, Kruger, Satrana, Mirael

C Tier

Chippy, Hammie, Atalanta, Lumont

Tier Rating Explanations

For this AFK Journey Tier List, units are divided into four categories:

  • S-Tier: The strongest units, forming the core of most meta compositions. They perform well in almost all scenarios with minimal investment.
  • A-Tier: Highly effective characters but requiring good team synergy and optimized builds to match S-Tier effectiveness.
  • B-Tier: Niche characters needing significant investment. They are best used situationally and should be replaced as stronger units become available.
  • C-Tier: Weakest units, typically used early-game. They have little value in challenging content and should be replaced as soon as possible.

How Many Hero Levels Are There?

AFK Journey only features two hero level categories: S-Level and A-Level. S-Level heroes are rarer, while A-Level heroes are more common. Both can be obtained via tickets and summoning tokens. While hero levels matter, properly built heroes can still perform well regardless of their rarity.


Building an effective team in AFK Journey depends on understanding the strengths of each unit in different game modes. With our AFK Journey Tier List, you can optimize your roster for Story Mode, Dream Realm, and PvP, ensuring you always have the best heroes for the task at hand. If you’re looking to get a head start, consider getting an AFK Journey account from Gamer Choice to gain access to top-tier units right away!

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