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- Enchanting in Dragonflight: Everything You Need to Know for Success
Enchanting is one of the main professions in World of Warcraft. This profession allows you to permanently enhance weapons and armor with magical effects. The materials needed for enchanting are obtained by disenchanting magical items. Suitable complementary professions are Tailoring, Leatherworking, or Blacksmithing, as the items created by these professions can be disenchanted to obtain materials for enchanting.
Enchanting in Dragonflight
In the Dragonflight expansion, reaching the maximum skill level in professions is more challenging than in previous expansions. For enchanting, you can only reach skill level 55/100 using recipes learned from vendors. To reach 100/100, you need to gain reputation and collect Knowledge Points.
What are Knowledge Points?
Knowledge Points are a new currency in Dragonflight. They are earned from various sources and used to specialize your profession. You invest these points in the skill tree to choose and upgrade abilities. Be careful with your choices as they are permanent.
Ways to earn Knowledge Points:
- Crafting a recipe for the first time: +1 Knowledge Point.
- Profession quests.
- Finding treasures on the Dragon Isles.
- Weekly Draconic Enchanting Treatise.
- Rare Enchanter's Research: Purchased from Rabul in Valdrakken.
- Dragon Shards of Knowledge: Obtained from a questline and given to Khadin for 1-3 Knowledge Points.

Crafting Materials
Crafting materials in Dragonflight are more valuable than before. While you still get resources from gathering professions, there are special materials obtained through specific methods.
Key materials include:
- Primal Infusion & Concentrated Primal Infusion
- Artisan's Mettle
- Spark of Ingenuity
- Primal Chaos
- Dragon Shards of Knowledge
Optional Crafting Materials: These materials increase the item level of crafted gear. Here are some key materials and their quality levels:
Optional Material | Quality 1 | Quality 2 | Quality 3 | Quality 4 | Quality 5 |
Titan Training Matrix I | 333 | 335 | 337 | 340 | 343 |
Titan Training Matrix II | 346 | 348 | 350 | 353 | 356 |
Titan Training Matrix III | 359 | 361 | 363 | 366 | 369 |
Titan Training Matrix IV | 372 | 374 | 376 | 379 | 382 |
Primal Infusion | 395 | 397 | 399 | 403 | 405 |
Concentrated Primal Infusion | 408 | 410 | 412 | 415 | 418 |
Crafting Adornments: These are optional materials that give additional effects to items. For more details, refer to the full guide on crafting adornments.
Enchanting Trainers in Dragonflight
You can learn Dragon Isles Enchanting from the following trainers (requires character level 60):
- Soragosa: Valdrakken, Artisan's Market (30,61)
- Veeno: Waking Shores, Wingrest Embassy (76,33)
- Asarin: Ohn’ahran Plains, Teerakai (41,61)
- Enchanted Book: Azure Span, Rhonin's Shield (66,25)
Leveling Enchanting in Dragonflight
Enchanting 1-55
To level from 1 to 55, craft a variety of items to earn Knowledge Points.
Shopping List (1-55):
- 1x Serevite Rod
- 9x Green gear items to disenchant
- 148x Chromatic Dust
- 40x Vibrant Shard
- 20x Rousing Earth
- 40x Awakened Earth
- 20x Resonant Crystal

Skill Guide: 1-2: Craft 1x Runed Serevite Rod (3x Chromatic Dust, 1x Serevite Rod) 2-10: Disenchant 9x Green Items 10-15: Craft 5x Writ of Speed (15x Chromatic Dust) 15-25: Craft 10x Writ of Leech (10x Vibrant Shard) 25-30: Craft 5x Writ of Haste (60x Chromatic Dust) 30-35: Craft 5x Devotion of Versatility (25x Chromatic Dust, 15x Vibrant Shard) 35-40: Craft 5x Devotion of Versatility (25x Chromatic Dust, 15x Vibrant Shard) 40-50: Craft 10x Illusory Adornment: Earth (20x Chromatic Dust, 20x Rousing Earth) 50-55: Craft many Earthen Writs (150x Chromatic Dust, 20x Resonant Crystal, 40x Awakened Earth)
Enchanting 55-100
To level from 55 to 100, you'll need recipes from reputation rewards and specializations. There isn't a single ideal path, so explore work orders and reputation rewards to find the best path for you.
Recipes to focus on:
- Graceful Avoidance and Rider's Reassurance (Renown 9, Dragonscale Expedition)
- Plainsrunner's Breeze and Sustained Strength (Renown 8, Maruuk Centaur)
- Illusion: Primal Earth (from Primal Storms enemies)
- Earthen Devotion (from Enchanting talent tree)
Shopping List (55-100):
- 96x Chromatic Dust
- 184x Vibrant Shard
- 12x Awakened Air
- 12x Awakened Earth
- 60x Resonant Crystal
- 60x Luminous Flux
Skill Guide: 55-65: Craft 12x Graceful Avoidance (96x Chromatic Dust, 36x Vibrant Shard) 65-70: Craft 5x Rider's Reassurance or Plainsrunner's Breeze (20x Vibrant Shard, 5x Awakened Earth, 5x Awakened Air) 70-75: Craft 7x Rider's Reassurance or Plainsrunner's Breeze or any chest enchantment (28x Vibrant Shard, 7x Awakened Earth, 7x Awakened Air or 28x Vibrant Shard, 7x Resonant Crystal) 75-100: Craft 20x Earthen Devotion (100x Vibrant Shard, 80x Resonant Crystal, 120x Awakened Earth)
Enchanting in Dragonflight brings new challenges and opportunities for players to enhance their gear with powerful effects. With careful planning and the right materials, you can reach the maximum skill level and create valuable enchantments for yourself and others. Remember to farm Knowledge Points and use them wisely in your specialization tree. For all your enchanting needs and to make your WoW experience smoother, consider visiting gamer-choice.com where you can conveniently purchase gold and other resources to help you on your journey. Happy enchanting!
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