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- Farming made easy: Mining, Herbalism and Skinning in Dragonflight
Dragonflight introduces a detailed and engaging system for gathering professions, encompassing Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of each profession, including trainers, resources, rare finds, efficiency tips, specializations, knowledge points, and equipment.
Trainers and Locations:
In Dragonflight, you can start mining at character level 60 by visiting these trainers:
- Sekita the Burrower in Valdrakken, Artisan's Market (39,51).
- Grun Ashbeard in The Waking Shores (76,34).
Ores of the Dragon Isles:
- Serevite Ore: Grants skill points up to about 50 and yields knowledge items and salt deposits.
- Draconium Ore: Grants skill points up to 100.
- Khaz'gorite Ore: Can be obtained when mining Serevite or Draconium.

Rare Ores:
Rare ores appear at regular mining locations and provide valuable materials:
- Hardened: Grants some Raging Earth.
- Molten: Grants some Raging Fire.
- Primordial: Grants random Raging Elements.
- Rich Deposit: Yields more ores.
- Titan-Touched: Grants some Raging Order.
- Wrathful (War Mode only): Grants Raging Wrath Power.

Improving Mining Efficiency:
To improve efficiency in mining, focus on enhancing these attributes on your profession gear:
- Skill: Determines the quality of gathered items.
- Finesse: Increases the amount of gathered primary reagents.
- Deftness: Increases gathering speed.
- Perception: Increases the chance of finding rare reagents.
Specializations unlock at mining skill 25 and can greatly enhance your efficiency. You can unlock additional specializations at skill 50 and 100. Key specialization paths include:
- Mining Process: Improves overall gathering attributes.
- Sorting: Enhances finesse.
- Surveying: Enhances perception.
- Industrialization: Enhances deftness.
- Metallurgy: Enhances skill and allows refining ores to higher quality.
Earning Knowledge Points:
Knowledge points can be earned through various activities, such as:
- Mining new ores for the first time.
- Mining rare or modified ores.
- Completing profession quests.
- Using specific items like Shimmering Ore Fragments and Draconic Mining Treatises.
- Participating in the Darkmoon Faire.
Mining Equipment:
- Draconium Pickaxe: +79 random stat, +6 mining skill.
- Khaz'gorit Pickaxe: +101 random stat, +10 mining skill.
- Mining Helmets: Enhance deftness and perception.
- Endless Ore Satchels: Enhance finesse.
Mining Adventures:
- Overloading Elemental Deposits: Grants additional materials and buffs.
- Stone Walls: Breaking through reveals hidden resources and sometimes teleportation items.
Trainers and Locations:
In Dragonflight, herbalism trainers can be found at:

- Druya of the Everbloom in Valdrakken, Artisan's Market (37,66).
- Hua Greenpaw in The Waking Shores (56,41).
Herbs of the Dragon Isles:
- Hochenblume: Grants skill points up to about 50.
- Bubble Poppy: Grants skill points up to 100.
- Writhebark: Found in dense areas.
- Saxifrage: Commonly found in rocky terrains.

Rare Herbs:
Rare herb nodes grant additional materials:
- Windswept: Grants Raging Air.
- Lava-infused: Grants Raging Fire.
- Titan-touched: Grants Raging Order.
- Frigid: Grants Raging Frost.
- Decayed: Grants Decaying Spores.
- Infurious (War Mode only): Grants Raging Wrath Power.
Enhancing Herbalism Efficiency:
To improve herbalism efficiency, focus on enhancing these attributes on your profession gear:
- Skill: Improves the quality of gathered herbs.
- Finesse: Increases the amount of gathered herbs.
- Deftness: Increases gathering speed.
- Perception: Increases the chance of finding rare herbs.
Herbalism specializations unlock at skill 25:
- Botany: Enhances all gathering attributes.
- Cultivation: Enhances finesse and yield.
- Mastering the Elements: Improves gathering elemental herbs.
- Bountiful Harvests: Increases chances of finding additional materials.
Acquiring Knowledge Points:
Knowledge points can be earned by:
- Gathering new herbs for the first time.
- Gathering rare herbs.
- Completing profession quests.
- Using specific items like Infused Pollen and Draconic Herbalism Treatises.
- Participating in the Darkmoon Faire.
Herbalism Equipment:
- Draconium Sickle: +79 random stat, +6 herbalism skill.
- Khaz'gorit Sickle: +101 random stat, +10 herbalism skill.
- Herbalism Hats: Enhance deftness and perception.
- Endless Herb Satchels: Enhance finesse.
Trainers and Locations:
Skinning trainers in Dragonflight can be found at:
- Lana Jordan in Valdrakken, Artisan's Market (28,60).
- Toninaar in The Waking Shores (74,43).
Creatures of the Dragon Isles:
- Dense Hide: Grants skill points up to about 50.
- Lustrous Scales: Grants skill points up to 100.
- Adamant Scales: Found on tougher creatures.
- Resilient Leather: Commonly found on regular creatures.
Rare Skins:
Rare skinning nodes grant additional materials:
- Infurious: Grants Infurious Hide.
- Sinister: Grants Sinister Scales.
- Reinforced: Grants Reinforced Hide.
- Ancient: Grants Ancient Hide.
- Mystic: Grants Mystic Essence.
- Decayed (War Mode only): Grants Decayed Flesh.
Boosting Skinning Efficiency:
Improving skinning efficiency involves enhancing these profession gear attributes:
- Skill: Improves the quality of gathered hides and scales.
- Finesse: Increases the amount of gathered materials.
- Deftness: Increases gathering speed.
- Perception: Increases the chance of finding rare materials.
Skinning specializations unlock at skill 25:
- Harvesting: Enhances all gathering attributes.
- Tanning: Enhances finesse and leather yield.
- Butchery: Improves gathering specific hides and scales.
- Elemental Beast Mastery: Enhances efficiency when skinning elemental creatures.
Collecting Knowledge Points:
Knowledge points can be earned by:
- Skinning new creatures for the first time.
- Skinning rare creatures.
- Completing profession quests.
- Using specific items like Pristine Hide and Draconic Skinning Treatises.
- Participating in the Darkmoon Faire.
Skinning Equipment:
- Draconium Skinning Knife: +79 random stat, +6 skinning skill.
- Khaz'gorit Skinning Knife: +101 random stat, +10 skinning skill.
- Skinning Tools: Enhance deftness and perception.
- Endless Leather Satchels: Enhance finesse.
In conclusion, Dragonflight offers a rich and intricate system for gathering professions, with specialized trainers, rare materials, and various ways to enhance your efficiency and yield. By focusing on skill, finesse, deftness, and perception, you can ensure you gather the highest quality materials and make the most of your profession.
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