The Mage Tower WoW challenge is back, calling on heroes to prove their mettle once more! Are you ready to rise to the occasion? The bravest champions are already battling the forces of the Legion as we speak. However, there’s still time to prepare! Instead of diving into the fray unprepared, take a few moments to read this Gamer Choice guide to the Mage Tower in the War Within expansion. Grab a snack and a cup of coffee from your Kitchen Quartermaster, settle in, and equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies that will make your battles smoother and more rewarding.
Mage Tower WoW Preparation and General Information
The Mage Tower WoW challenge is available to heroes who are level 50 or higher. Unlike its initial iteration, you no longer need to build the Mage Tower—it is permanently open and ready for all challengers. Even better, participating in this epic trial is entirely free. Simply speak to War Councilor Victoria at Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore to begin your adventure.
This event is designed to push your skills to their limits. It’s not an easy task, so expect to invest time and effort to conquer the challenge. While it’s not possible to eliminate all difficulties, we’re here to provide valuable tips to improve your chances of success.
The Mage Tower scales your level and gear down to item level 50, meaning the best gear you can acquire for this specific challenge will be your key advantage. Here’s how to optimize your setup:
- Seek old gear with extra sockets: Older gems often scale better than newer ones, offering a significant stat boost. Experiment with different combinations to maximize their benefits.
- Collect powerful old trinkets: Certain trinkets scale exceptionally well. Consider items like Dragonspine Trophy, Decanter of Anima-Charged Winds, Unblinking Gaze of Sethe, and Chipped Soul Prism.
- Use older enchantments: Like gems, some enchantments scale better than modern ones. The Legion enchantment, Enchant Neck - Mark of the Hidden Satyr, is an excellent choice.
- Stock up on consumables: Food, flasks, runes, weapon oils, and potions can provide the extra stats you need to succeed. Every little bit counts!
- Study the mechanics of your specific trial: Good gear is helpful, but understanding and mastering the mechanics are essential. Check out detailed guides to avoid excessive trial-and-error attempts.
It’s important to note that certain items and effects do not function during the Mage Tower WoW event, as developers have implemented scaling limitations to ensure fairness. The following are excluded:
- Covenant abilities, Soulbinds, and Conduits from Shadowlands;
- Shards of Domination effects from Shadowlands;
- Azerite effects from Battle for Azeroth;
- Tier Set Bonuses;
- Legendary item effects.
Mage Tower Challenges List
Boss | Classes | Description |
Closing the Eye (Archmage Xylem) | Frost Death Knight, Havoc Demon Hunter, Survival Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, Arms Warrior | This Mage Tower Challenge takes place in the Eye of Eternity! This encounter has two phases. Players will fight against Archmage Xylem and Corrupting Shadows in the second phase. Once you defeat Corrupting Shadows, the challenge ends! |
An Impossible Foe (Agatha) | Unholy Death Knight, Feral Druid, Fire Mage, Outlaw Rogue, Elemental Shaman, Fury Warrior | This encounter has two phases – players fight Agatha and her imps. During the second phase, she starts teleporting and throwing giant boulders at you! Once you defeat Agatha, the challenge ends. |
The God-Queen’s Fury (Sigryn) | Arcane Mage, Retribution Paladin, Assassination Rogue, Enhancement Shaman, Demonology Warlock | This encounter doesn’t have phases, but instead, players will have to fight against three foes at once. Players will face Sigryn, Jarl Velbrand, and Runeseer Faljar. |
Feltotem’s Fall (Tugar Bloodtotem) | Beast Mastery Hunter, Windwalker Monk, Discipline Priest, Destruction Warlock | Players will fight against Tugar Bloodtotem and Jormog the Behemoth. When one of them dies, the other one enrages, and that’s the beginning of the second phase. Once both enemies are dead, the challenge ends. |
Thwarting the Twins (Raest Magespear) | Balance Druid, Marksmanship Hunter, Frost Mage, Shadow Priest, Affliction Warlock | Players fight Karam Magespear and Raest Magespear one by one. The final battle includes the fight with two of them at once. Defeat Raest Magespear to win challenges! |
The Highlord’s Return (Highlord Kruul) | Blood Death Knight, Vengeance Demon Hunter, Guardian Druid, Brewmaster Monk, Protection Paladin, Protection Warrior | This encounter has two phases – players fight against Inquisitor Variss in the first phase and Highlord Kruul in the second phase. Once you defeat Highlord Kruul, the battle ends. You can learn more about this challenge in our Guardian Druid Mage Tower guide. |
End of the Risen Threat (Lord Erdris Thorn) | Restoration Druid, Mistweaver Monk, Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, Restoration Shaman | This challenge takes place in Black Rook Hold! The encounter consists of seven stages. Players together with Commander Jarod Shadowsong, Granny Marl, and Callie Carrington, work their way through Black Rook Hold to challenge Lord Erdris Thorn. Once you defeat him, the challenge ends. |
Mage Tower Rewards
While the rewards from the Mage Tower WoW challenge won’t increase your character’s power, they are still highly sought after as symbols of skill and class expertise. Here’s what you can earn:
- The A Towering Success achievement and a recolored Tier 20 armor set for completing a single challenge;
- Guardian Druids can unlock the unique Werebear appearance for their Bear Form;
- Completing all available challenges will grant the A Tour of Towers achievement and the stunning Mage-Bound Spelltome mount;
- Conquer every challenge across all classes and specs to earn the Tower Overwhelming Feats of Strength achievement.
Thank you for reading our comprehensive Mage Tower WoW guide! We hope this overview has been helpful in preparing you for the challenges ahead. The team at Gamer Choice values your feedback and encourages you to rate this guide.
If you’d prefer to skip the grind and jump straight to enjoying the rewards, check out the Mage Tower offers available on Gamer Choice. Don’t miss your opportunity to claim these incredible rewards today!
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