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- Ultimate WoW Cataclysm Classic Enchanting Guide – Level Up Fast!
Welcome to our comprehensive WoW Cataclysm Classic Enchanting Guide! Whether you're a seasoned enchanter or just starting, this guide will help you efficiently progress from level 1 to 525. Maximize your enchanting potential with our step-by-step instructions, detailed materials list, and helpful tips.
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Materials Required for WoW Cataclysm Classic Enchanting Guide

To efficiently level your Enchanting from 1 to 525, gather the following materials in advance. Note that the exact quantities may vary based on server economy and RNG.
Material | Quantity |
Strange Dust | 125 |
Lesser Magic Essence | 1 |
Greater Magic Essence | 12 |
Lesser Astral Essence | 25 |
Soul Dust | 130 |
Greater Astral Essence | 2 |
Vision Dust | 240 |
Greater Mystic Essence | 2 |
Lesser Nether Essence | 5 |
Dream Dust | 195 |
Purple Lotus | 40 |
Illusion Dust | 82 |
Greater Eternal Essence | 8 |
Large Brilliant Shard | 8 |
Copper Rod | 1 |
Silver Rod | 1 |
Golden Rod | 1 |
Iridescent Pearl | 1 |
Truesilver Rod | 1 |
Black Pearl | 1 |
Arcanite Rod | 1 |
Golden Pearl | 1 |
Material | Quantity |
Fel Iron Rod | 1 |
Arcane Dust | 350 |
Lesser Planar Essence | 20 |
Greater Planar Essence | 14 |
Nightmare Vine | 15 |
Large Prismatic Shard | 13 |
Adamantite Rod | 1 |
Primal Might | 1 |
Eternium Rod | 1 |
Material | Quantity |
Infinite Dust | 600 |
Greater Cosmic Essence | 29 |
Dream Shard | 2 |
Crystallized Water | 10 |
Titanium Rod | 1 |
Material | Quantity |
Hypnotic Dust | 550 |
Lesser Celestial Essence | 10 |
Greater Celestial Essence | 90 |
Elixir of Impossible Accuracy | 5 |
Heavenly Shard | 6 |
Elementium Rod | 1 |
Enchanting Trainers for WoW Cataclysm Classic Enchanting Guide

Horde Trainers
- Orgrimmar: Godan
- Undercity: Lavinia Crowe
- Thunder Bluff: Teg Dawnstrider
- Tirisfal Glades: Vance Undergloom
- Silvermoon City: Sedana
Alliance Trainers
- Stormwind City: Lucan Cordell
- Ironforge: Gimble Thistlefuzz
- Darnassus: Taladan
- Teldrassil: Alanna Raveneye
- The Exodar: Nahogg
Outland Trainers
- Shattrath City: Enchantress Andiala (The Scryers) / Zurii (The Aldor)
- Hellfire Peninsula: Felannia (Horde) / Johan Barnes (Alliance)
Northrend Trainers
- Howling Fjord: Emil Autumn (Horde) / Elizabeth Jackson (Alliance)
- Borean Tundra: Eorain Dawnstrike (Horde) / Alexis Marlowe (Alliance)
- Dalaran: Enchanter Nalthanis
Leveling Guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic Enchanting Guide
1-50: Apprentice
- 1-2: Craft Runed Copper Rod - Requires 1 Copper Rod, 1 Strange Dust, 1 Lesser Magic Essence.
- 2-50: Enchant Bracer - Minor Health - Requires 48 Strange Dust.
50-135: Journeyman
- 50-90: Enchant Bracer - Minor Health - Requires 40 Strange Dust.
- 90-100: Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina - Requires 30 Strange Dust.
- 100-101: Craft Runed Silver Rod - Requires 1 Silver Rod, 6 Strange Dust, 3 Greater Magic Essence.
- 101-110: Enchant Greater Magic Wand - Requires 9 Simple Wood, 9 Greater Magic Essence.
- 110-135: Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility - Requires 25 Lesser Astral Essence.

135-225: Expert
- 135-155: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina - Requires 40 Soul Dust.
- 155-156: Craft Runed Golden Rod - Requires 1 Golden Rod, 1 Iridescent Pearl, 2 Greater Astral Essence, 2 Soul Dust.
- 156-185: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength - Requires 80 Soul Dust.
- 185-200: Enchant Bracer - Strength - Requires 15 Vision Dust.
- 200-201: Craft Runed Truesilver Rod - Requires 1 Truesilver Rod, 1 Black Pearl, 2 Greater Mystic Essence, 2 Vision Dust.
- 201-220: Enchant Bracer - Strength - Requires 25 Vision Dust.
- 220-225: Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense - Requires 15 Vision Dust.
225-300: Artisan
- 225-230: Enchant Gloves - Agility - Requires 5 Lesser Nether Essence, 5 Vision Dust.
- 230-235: Enchant Boots - Stamina - Requires 25 Vision Dust.
- 235-250: Enchant Chest - Superior Health - Requires 150 Vision Dust.
- 250-265: Lesser Mana Oil - Requires 60 Dream Dust, 40 Purple Lotus, 20 Crystal Vial.
- 265-290: Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina - Requires 135 Dream Dust.
- 290-299: Enchant Chest - Major Mana - Requires 72 Illusion Dust.
- 299-300: Craft Runed Arcanite Rod - Requires 1 Arcanite Rod, 1 Golden Pearl, 10 Illusion Dust, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 2 Large Brilliant Shard.
300-350: Master (TBC)
- 300-310: Craft Runed Fel Iron Rod - Requires 1 Fel Iron Rod, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 6 Large Brilliant Shard.
- 310-316: Enchant Bracer - Assault - Requires 54 Arcane Dust.
- 316-330: Enchant Gloves - Assault - Requires 128 Arcane Dust.
- 330-335: Enchant Shield - Major Stamina - Requires 75 Arcane Dust.
- 335-345: Enchant Superior Wizard Oil - Requires 45 Arcane Dust, 15 Nightmare Vine, 15 Imbued Vial.
- 345-350: Enchant Shield - Resilience - Requires 5 Large Prismatic Shard, 20 Lesser Planar Essence.
350-425: Grand Master (WotLK)
- 351-360: Enchant Cloak - Speed - Requires 54 Infinite Dust.
- 360-375: Enchant Bracers - Striking - Requires 108 Infinite Dust.
- 375-376: Craft Runed Eternium Rod - Requires 1 Eternium Rod, 6 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Arcane Dust, 1 Runed Adamantite Rod.
- 376-385: Enchant Bracers - Striking - Requires 36 Infinite Dust.
- 385-395: Enchant Boots - Icewalker - Requires 80 Infinite Dust, 10 Crystallized Water.
- 395-410: Enchant Cloak - Superior Agility - Requires 135 Infinite Dust.
- 410-415: Enchant Gloves - Expertise - Requires 60 Infinite Dust.
- 415-420: Enchant Boots - Greater Spirit - Requires 50 Infinite Dust, 5 Greater Cosmic Essence.
- 420-425: Enchant Chest - Greater Mana Restoration - Requires 20 Infinite Dust, 20 Greater Cosmic Essence.
- 425-426: Craft Runed Titanium Rod - Requires 1 Titanium Rod, 12 Infinite Dust, 4 Greater Cosmic Essence, 2 Dream Shard, 1 Runed Eternium Rod.
425-525: Illustrious Grand Master (Cataclysm)
- 426-440: Enchant Boots - Earthen Vitality - Requires 28 Hypnotic Dust.
- 440-455: Enchant Cloak - Greater Spell Piercing - Requires 45 Hypnotic Dust.
- 455-460: Enchant Gloves - Haste - Requires 20 Hypnotic Dust, 5 Lesser Celestial Essence.
- 460-465: Enchant Boots - Haste - Requires 10 Hypnotic Dust, 5 Greater Celestial Essence.
- 465-475: Enchant Cloak - Intellect - Requires 60 Hypnotic Dust.
- 475-480: Enchant Gloves - Exceptional Strength - Requires 15 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence.
- 480-485: Enchant Boots - Major Agility - Requires 20 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence.
- 485-490: Enchant Gloves - Greater Expertise - Requires 25 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence.
- 490-495: Enchant Shield - Mastery - Requires 60 Hypnotic Dust.
- 495-505: Enchant Bracer - Precision - Requires 120 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence.
- 505-510: Enchant Boots - Precision - Requires 5 Elixir of Impossible Accuracy, 10 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence.
- 510-515: Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Spirit - Requires 45 Hypnotic Dust, 15 Greater Celestial Essence.
- 515-520: Enchant Boots - Mastery - Requires 50 Hypnotic Dust, 15 Greater Celestial Essence.
- 520-525: Craft Runed Elementium Rod - Requires 1 Elementium Rod, 10 Hypnotic Dust, 6 Heavenly Shard, 6 Greater Celestial Essence, 1 Runed Titanium Rod.

With this comprehensive WoW Cataclysm Classic Enchanting Guide, you can efficiently level your Enchanting skill from 1 to 525. Remember, for all your in-game currency and services needs, visit Gamer-Choice.com. Our reliable and efficient services will help you achieve your in-game goals faster and with less hassle. Happy enchanting!
For more detailed guides and the best World of Warcraft services, bookmark Gamer-Choice.com and stay ahead in the game!
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