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  • Path of Exile 2: Here’s How to Get the Tinkers Tools in Mawdun Quarry

Path of Exile 2: Here’s How to Get the Tinkers Tools in Mawdun Quarry

In Path of Exile 2, there’s an issue with the Tinkers Tools on the map Mawdun Quarry. We’ll explain how you can obtain this item.


What are the Tinkers Tools?

The Tinkers Tools are a quest item in Path of Exile 2 that you should be able to acquire in Mawdun Quarry. A bug currently prevents players from obtaining the item as intended. However, the quest isn’t completely broken, and there is a way to get the item.


Obtaining the Tinkers Tools Despite the Bug

How can you get the Tinkers Tools?
To obtain the quest item, you first need to head to the Mawdun Quarry map. There, you need to defeat Miners to get the item to drop.

Even if you’ve defeated all the Miners on the map, the drop isn’t guaranteed. If you’ve cleared the entire map, check your world map to see if the symbol is grayed out. If it is, the quest has been completed, even if the item hasn’t visibly appeared.

If the icon hasn’t grayed out, you’ll need to reset the map. To do this, move to any waypoint and press Ctrl + Left Click. A menu will appear showing all active instances of the map. An instance remains open for 8–15 minutes.


Is the problem already known?

Yes, the developers of Path of Exile 2 have acknowledged that there is an issue with the quest item (via pathofexile.com). The bug is being prioritized and will be fixed in one of the upcoming updates.

The developers have clarified that you need to defeat the correct enemies to obtain the item. It’s not enough to simply kill any enemies on the map—it specifically has to be the Miners. Once you’ve obtained the Tinkers Tools, you should check out which permanent buffs exist in Path of Exile 2 and grab them while you’re at it.

PoE 2 Currency

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