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Retail WoW Easiest DPS Class Guide and More

The highly anticipated expansion, WoW: The War Within, is almost here, and players across Azeroth are preparing for new adventures. But which classes will shine in this latest expansion? In this guide, we’ll break down the best Retail WoW Easiest DPS Class and more to play in The War Within, helping both new and returning players find their perfect fit.

WoW Best Class for Beginners

As The War Within marks WoW’s 10th expansion, some players will continue their journey, while others will step into Azeroth for the first time.

With a wide range of classes and diverse playstyles, choosing the right one can be overwhelming for beginners. To help, we’ve highlighted some of the best beginner-friendly classes in World of Warcraft:

HunterRanged DPS, Pet Handling, Simple RotationHunters are ideal for beginners due to their versatility and ease of play. They deal ranged damage, control the battlefield, and can even heal their pets. Their simple rotation makes them an excellent starting class.
PaladinVersatile, Defensive, Self-HealingPaladins are among the easiest classes in WoW, capable of tanking, healing, or dealing damage. Their strong defensive abilities and self-healing make them highly forgiving for new players.
DruidShapeshifting, Versatile, MobileDruids are a jack-of-all-trades, able to tank, heal, or DPS while utilizing their shapeshifting abilities for added mobility and adaptability.
WarriorMelee DPS, High Burst Damage, Battlefield ControlWarriors are strong melee combatants with high burst damage and control abilities. Their straightforward rotation makes them easy for newcomers to pick up.
MageRanged DPS, Crowd Control, Simple RotationMages specialize in ranged damage and crowd control, helping to manage fights from a distance. Their rotation is simple, making them a popular choice for new players.

For beginners, one of the best ways to test a new class is by gearing up and trying different types of content. To get started, check out our Mythic Plus Bundle, which offers a chance to obtain 600+ ilvl gear and a Keystone to test your character in Mythic+ dungeons.

WoW Best PvP Classes

Many players enjoy the diverse activities in World of Warcraft, with PvP standing out as a major highlight. In The War Within, classes with dominant Hero Talents are expected to excel in PvP battles. Based on Beta 11.0.0 testing, here are some of the strongest PvP class choices:

Death KnightMelee DPS, Powerful, Strong AOEUnholy Death Knights are among the best PvP DPS classes in TWW, thanks to their high AoE damage and strong burst potential.
MageRanged DPS, High Burst Damage, MobilityFire Mages shine in PvP encounters, leveraging high burst damage and excellent mobility to control the battlefield.
PriestHealer, Single-target Healing, SupportiveHoly Priests excel at single-target healing and supportive abilities, making them an essential pick for PvP teams.
DruidTank, High Survivability, ShapeshiftingGuardian Druids provide high survivability in PvP, using shapeshifting mechanics to bolster their defenses and protect allies.

Retail WoW easiest DPS class

With the introduction of Hero Talents, DPS gameplay in The War Within gains greater flexibility and customization. Here’s a look at the best and easiest DPS classes to play in the new expansion:

MonkMelee DPS, Spells Rework, Strong AoEWindwalker Monks benefit from the reworked Gale Force and Rising Star talents, enhancing Nature damage and AoE potential, making them a top DPS choice.
PaladinMelee DPS, Powerful Hero Talents, High DPSRetribution Paladins stand out due to their Templar and Lightsmith Hero Talent trees, offering engaging combat mechanics and enhanced AoE capabilities.
Death KnightMelee DPS, Helpful Hero Talents, Strong PotentialUnholy Death Knights remain strong, gaining Rider of the Apocalypse and San’layn Hero Talents, boosting their sustained damage and utility.
EvokerRanged DPS, Versatile, Enjoyable GameplayEvokers, particularly in the Augmentation spec, benefit from Chronowarden and Scalecommander talents, improving their damage and support abilities.
PriestRanged DPS, Damage Over Time, Healing UtilityShadow Priests focus on damage-over-time effects, making them easy to master for both new and experienced players.

WoW Best Healing Classes

The healer role remains critical in WoW, with some classes excelling more than others based on their healing output, utility, and survivability. Here are the top healing classes in The War Within:

DruidVersatile, Strong HoTs, MobilityRestoration Druids are known for high healing-per-second (HPS) and DPS output, further enhanced by their Hero Talents.
PaladinStrong Single-target Heals, UtilityHoly Paladins excel in group buffs, high survivability, and single-target healing, making them great for raids and Mythic+.
PriestDamage Prevention, Strong HealingDiscipline Priests stand out due to healing-through-damage mechanics, further enhanced by Hero Talents.
PriestStrong AoE Healing, VersatilityHoly Priests specialize in AoE healing and solid single-target support, performing well in both raids and Mythic+.
MonkVersatile Healing, MobilityMistweaver Monks provide strong group healing with high mobility, but require careful energy management in long fights.

Best WoW Tanking Classes

No Raid or Mythic+ run can be completed without a reliable tank. In The War Within, some tank classes stand out due to their Hero Talents and PTR performance. Here are the top-tier tanking classes based on current testing:

Death KnightMelee DPS, Powerful, Strong AOEBlood Death Knights are top-tier tanks, excelling in self-healing and survivability. Their new Hero Talents further enhance their damage mitigation and AoE potential.
PaladinVersatile, Defensive, Crowd ControlProtection Paladins thrive in both raids and Mythic+, thanks to their new Hero Talents, which improve defensive abilities and crowd control.
WarriorDurable, Resilient, Limited FlexibilityProtection Warriors are known for their durability and resilience. They remain reliable tanks in high-pressure situations, although their talent flexibility is somewhat limited.
DruidVersatile, High Survivability, ShapeshiftingGuardian Druids offer strong survivability and versatile talent builds, making them adaptable across different content. While not the most powerful tank, they remain a solid choice.
Demon HunterStrong, Effective Talents, Good SurvivabilityVengeance Demon Hunters benefit from high mobility, self-healing, and strong defensive abilities. Their new Hero Talents further reinforce their role as effective tanks.

Best WoW Soloing Classes

With The War Within, new Hero Talents have further improved the solo capabilities of several classes, making them even better for playing without a group. Based on PTR testing, here are the best soloing classes in World of Warcraft:

  • Blood Death Knights – A top choice for solo content thanks to their exceptional self-healing and damage absorption, allowing them to tackle even the toughest encounters.
  • Beast Mastery Hunters – With versatile pets and ranged damage, they remain one of the easiest and most effective soloing classes.
  • Guardian Druids – Known for strong survivability and self-healing, Guardian Druids are effective at handling large groups of enemies.

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Additional Solo-Friendly Classes

While the above are top-tier soloing classes, several others have also received Hero Talent improvements, making them viable for solo play:

  • Vengeance Demon Hunters – High mobility, strong self-healing, and effective defensive tools make them ideal for soloing tough content.
  • Protection Paladins – Their strong defenses and healing abilities ensure long-lasting survivability.

Every WoW class has its strengths and weaknesses, and the best soloing class ultimately depends on your playstyle and skill level.

The War Within Class Overview

Choosing the right class in The War Within can be overwhelming, especially for new players. WoW: The War Within features 13 different classes, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. Below, we provide a closer look at some of the top classes and Retail WoW Easiest DPS Class to help you decide which one to play.

Death Knight

Death Knights are former Lich King champions who now roam Azeroth to fight against dark forces. They excel as tanks and melee damage dealers in almost every expansion.


  • Blood – A self-healing tank wielding powerful two-handed rune weapons.
  • Frost – A DPS spec that uses frost magic and runic weapons to freeze and destroy enemies.
  • Unholy – A DPS master of decay, spreading diseases and dealing high sustained damage.
✅ Strong add control via talents⛔️ Low mobility
✅ Knockback prevention abilities⛔️ Lacks a major raid buff
✅ Very tanky

Demon Hunter

Demon Hunters are Illidari warriors trained under Illidan Stormrage. They wield fel magic, sacrificing their humanity to fight against demonic threats.


  • Havoc – A fast-paced melee DPS, known for high mobility and lethal burst damage.
  • Vengeance – A tanking spec, transforming into a demonic juggernaut with high mobility and strong defensive abilities.
✅ Strong DPS and tanking potential⛔️ Heavily reliant on cooldowns
✅ Top-tier mobility for PvE and PvP⛔️ Limited viable builds
✅ Great sustain with self-healing


Druids are nature’s guardians, wielding the power of the Wilds to protect balance and defend Azeroth. They are the most versatile class, capable of fulfilling all four roles: ranged DPS, melee DPS, tanking, and healing.


  • Balance – A ranged DPS, drawing upon the power of the Moon and Sun to devastate enemies.
  • Feral – A melee DPS, using shapeshifting and claws to shred opponents.
  • Guardian – A tank, transforming into a bear with high survivability and damage absorption.
  • Restoration – A healer, utilizing nature’s magic to sustain allies.
✅ High survivability in PvE and PvP⛔️ Limited utility as a melee spec
✅ Good raid utility via buffs and abilities⛔️ Lack of a unique tank niche
✅ Very mobile and flexible⛔️ Requires good cooldown management
✅ Exciting gameplay with shapeshifting forms

Prepare Your Druid for The War Within!

If you’re a Druid main, make sure to collect the latest Druid Forms to stand out in raids and dungeons. Our pro team can help you get the newest cosmetics and gear upgrades to ensure you’re raid-ready for The War Within!


Evokers were created by Neltharion (Deathwing) as the ultimate soldiers, wielding the combined powers of all five major dragonflights. These warriors defend dragonkind, with only a select few Dracthyr achieving mastery over their abilities to become Evokers.


  • Augmentation – A hybrid DPS/Healer spec, empowering allies with Black dragonflight strength and Bronze magic to manipulate time.
  • Devastation – A ranged DPS spec, combining the Blue and Red dragonflights' powers to unleash devastating magic.
  • Preservation – A healer spec, blending Green and Bronze dragonflight magic to provide unparalleled healing.
✅ Versatile abilities using multiple dragonflights⛔ Dracthyr-only class, limiting character options
✅ Powerful support capabilities for allies⛔ Requires mastery of multiple magic types, making it skill-intensive
✅ Effective ranged attacks and healing spells⛔ Vulnerable in close combat due to reliance on ranged abilities


Hunters are masters of the wild, excelling at tracking, trapping, and ranged combat with their loyal pets. Known for their accessibility, Hunters are often regarded as one of the easiest classes to play in World of Warcraft, and The War Within will continue that trend.


  • Beast Mastery – A ranged DPS spec, commanding powerful beasts ranging from ferocious dinosaurs to massive spiders.
  • Marksmanship – A precision-based ranged DPS spec, delivering deadly long-range attacks using bows or guns.
  • Survival – A melee DPS spec, using explosives, poisons, and pets to outmaneuver foes.
✅ Versatile in both ranged and melee combat⛔ Relies on pets for maximum damage
✅ Strong pet companions for tanking, damage, and utility⛔ Limited self-healing compared to other classes
✅ Excellent crowd control and defensive abilities⛔ Requires good positioning and kiting skills


Mages harness the raw power of the elements, using fire, frost, and arcane magic to control the battlefield. Some of the most famous WoW heroes, like Khadgar, are Mages, making this class a popular choice for spellcasters.


  • Fire – Burns enemies to ashes, specializing in burst damage.
  • Frost – Uses icy storms and water elementals to slow and freeze opponents.
  • Arcane – Manipulates magic itself, excelling in versatile and burst DPS.
✅ Wide range of abilities for different situations⛔ Vulnerable if not positioned correctly
✅ High mobility for a caster class⛔ Highly reliant on rotations
✅ Strong defensive tools for survivability


Warriors are among the most iconic classes in WoW, known for their brutal combat skills and resilience. Their straightforward melee playstyle makes them one of the easiest classes to pick up in The War Within.


  • Arms – A melee DPS spec, striking enemies down with precise, powerful attacks.
  • Fury – A berserker-style melee DPS spec, attacking relentlessly with dual weapons.
  • Protection – A tanking spec, using a shield and one-handed weapon to mitigate damage and protect allies.
✅ Multiple defensive abilities for survivability⛔ Lacks crowd control
✅ Boosts party attack power⛔ Downtime significantly impacts DPS
✅ Easy to learn and play⛔ Susceptible to kiting and control


Monks are agile fighters who master martial arts to deliver deadly strikes. Guided by ancient teachings, they blend precision and fluidity to overpower opponents.


  • Brewmaster – A tanking spec, using alcohol-infused techniques to mitigate incoming damage.
  • Mistweaver – A healing spec, channeling the Jade Serpent’s power to mend wounds.
  • Windwalker – A melee DPS spec, delivering rapid strikes with unmatched speed.
✅ Unique tanking system for smooth damage intake⛔ Lots of keybinds to manage
✅ Strong crowd-control abilities⛔ Mistweaver healers struggle with mana management
✅ Forgiving mechanics make it easy to play


Paladins are holy warriors, devoted to the Light. Their versatile specializations allow them to tank, heal, or deal damage, making them a great all-in-one class.


  • Protection – A tanking spec, shielding allies from incoming damage.
  • Holy – A healing spec, using plate armor and divine magic to support allies.
  • Retribution – A melee DPS spec, wielding two-handed weapons to punish enemies.
✅ Strong raid and party utilities⛔ Low mobility
✅ Provides 3% damage reduction aura⛔ Struggles with healing multiple spread-out targets
✅ Durable with excellent defensives


Priests are known for their devotion to light and shadow, excelling in healing and ranged damage.


  • Holy – A healing spec, using light magic to mend wounds.
  • Discipline – A hybrid healing spec, preventing damage while also dealing it.
  • Shadow – A ranged DPS spec, using dark magic to torment enemies.
✅ Strong group utility⛔ Discipline spec is very punishing for mistakes
✅ Powerful reactive burst healing⛔ Low mobility


Rogues are stealthy assassins, striking from the shadows with deadly precision.


  • Assassination – A poison-based melee DPS, dealing bleed and poison damage.
  • Outlaw – A brawler-style melee DPS, using swords, axes, and maces.
  • Subtlety – A stealth-based melee DPS, ambushing enemies for high burst damage.
✅ Extremely versatile with multiple builds⛔ Struggles when swapping targets out of melee range
✅ Great survivability and escape options⛔ Must choose between utility and damage
✅ Excellent group utility

No matter which class you choose, Retail WoW easiest DPS class options in The War Within expansion ensure an exciting and accessible gameplay experience, offering endless possibilities for all players!

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