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- Unlock the Power of the Ren’dorei: Your Ultimate Allied Race Guide

The Void Elf Allied Race is a playable race unlocked in Battle for Azeroth. In this guide, we'll cover how to unlock the Void Elf Allied Race, their available classes, racial abilities and passives, how to earn the Ren'dorei Heritage Armor and Starcursed Voidcaller mount, and all of their unique customization options and emotes.
"The Void. A force of infinite hunger. Its whispers have broken the will of dragons... and lured even the titans' own children into madness. Sages and scholars fear the Void. But we understand a truth that they do not. That the Void is a power to be harnessed... to be bent by a will strong enough to command it. The Void has shaped us... changed us. But you will become its master. Wield the shadows as a weapon to save our world... and defend the Alliance!"
--Alleria Windrunner
Unlocking Void Elves
The requirements for unlocking the Void Elf Allied Race are as follows:
- You Are Now Prepared! Achievement:
- Requires completion of the Argus storyline, which should take several hours to complete. Reference the Comprehensive Argus Guide if you need assistance with any quest.
- Allied Races: Void Elf:
- After completing the Argus storyline, you must complete a special recruitment quest which demonstrates why Void Elves have decided to join the Alliance.
- Completing these tasks will earn you the Allied Races: Void Elf achievement, the Ren'dorei Tabard, and the Starcursed Voidstrider mount, allowing you to create your own Void Elf.
If you're not sure what achievement criteria you have left, use the BFA attunement tracker, hit Load Character, enter your character info, and see what you still have to complete.

Void Elf Recruitment Scenario
To unlock the Void Elf Allied Race, you must complete a short recruitment questline, available after purchasing Battle for Azeroth and meeting the Achievement/Reputation requirements. You can pick it up in the Stormwind Embassy. The required quests are:
- The Ghostlands
- Telogrus Rift
Customization Changes in Patch 9.1.5
Patch 9.1.5 added more customizations to several Allied Races, including the Void Elves. The new customization options for Void Elves include:
- An ear length option similar to Blood Elves
- New hair colors
- A tentacle toggle option to remove tentacles from hairstyles that have them
For an in-depth look at the new customizations, check our guide!
Note: This patch has been available for quite a while now.
Classes Available to Void Elves
Void Elves can choose the following classes:
- Death Knight: Tank or Melee Plate DPS (Available with the Shadowlands pre-order)
- Hunter: Ranged Mail DPS
- Hunter Starting Pet: Voidstalker
- Mage: Ranged Cloth DPS
- Monk: Tank, Healer, or Melee Leather DPS
- Priest: Healer or Ranged Cloth DPS
- Rogue: Melee Leather DPS
- Warlock: Ranged Cloth DPS
- Warrior: Tank or Melee Plate DPS
Void Elf Racial Traits
Void Elf Racials:
- Spatial Rift: Tear a rift in space. Reactivate this ability to teleport through the rift. 30 yd range. 3 min cooldown.
- Chill of Night: Reduces Shadow damage taken by 1%.
- Entropic Embrace: Your abilities have a chance to empower you with the essence of the Void. Increases damage and healing by 5% for 12 sec. It has a 33% proc chance with 60 seconds internal cooldown.
- Ethereal Connection: Reduces the cost of Void Storage and Transmogrification by 50%.
- Preternatural Calm: Your spell casts are not delayed by taking damage.
Void Elf Heritage Armor
For reaching level 50 on the Void Elf Allied Race without a leveling boost, you receive the Heritage of the Void Feat of Strength and the Ren'dorei Heritage Armor Set. This set can only be transmogged by Void Elves.
There are a few things that will prevent you from receiving your heritage armor set, so be sure not to use any of the following as you level your Void Elf:
- Character Boost tokens
- Faction or Race changing your Allied character
- Leveling up using Recruit a Friend in-Game levels
These sets are cosmetic, meaning they can be transmogged onto any Cloth, Leather, Mail, or Plate armor the Void Elf character is using. Other races cannot use the Void Elf Heritage Armor Set.
There is also a matching tabard: Ren'dorei Tabard. This is awarded for creating your Void Elf, logging on, and turning in the first quest For the Alliance.

Void Elf Mount
The Void Elf mount is the Starcursed Voidstrider. It can be used by any Alliance race, upon completion of the recruitment scenario in Allied Races: Void Elf.
Void Elf Customization
Character customizations are selected on character creation. They can be changed later in a barber shop. Note that often the barber shops offer more customizations than the character creation interface does.
Male Void Elf:
- Hair Color
- Hair Style
- Skin Color
- Face Type
- Facial Hair
Female Void Elf:
- Hair Color
- Hair Style
- Skin Color
- Face Type
- Earrings
Void Elf Jokes and Flirts
These are triggered by typing /silly or /flirt while on your Void Elf character.
- "What am I into? Let's just say some of my proclivities can run a bit... dark."
- "I do my best work in the shadows. Allow me to demonstrate."
- "The Void has taught me many secrets. Some of them can be most... satisfying."
- "As a rule, I don't sprout tentacles. But in your case, I'll make an exception."
- "When studying shadow magic, one learns to be flexible. Very... flexible."
- "You sate my hunger... and I'll sate yours."
- "I know what you're thinking... 'Oh goody, another elf.' Well... I bet you weren't expecting a VOID elf, now were you?"
- "If you're looking for tall dark, and brooding, that's me. Well, dark and brooding, at least."
- "Say what you will about the tenets of the Void. At least it's an ethos!"
- "Would you believe purple has always been my favorite color? Even before I went void, I mean."
- "Alleria is my favorite Windrunner sister. Edgier than Vereesa, but slightly less homicidal than the dead one."
- "The fact that I wield void energies doesn't mean I plan to consume everything I see. After all, I have a figure to maintain."
- "Old Gods... I mean, really? Some have mouths for eyes, others have eyes for mouths. Talk about a hot mess..."
Lore of the Void Elves
"Many have sought to harness the corruptive magic of the Void. Most who tried have fallen into madness. Determined to use this power for the good of Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner is the first mortal to succeed at defying the shadow's whispers. Coming to the aid of a group of her kin who nearly gave in to the darkness, Alleria has vowed to train these void elves to control the shadows within them and pledge their newfound powers to the Alliance."
In the short story "A Thousand Years of War" we learn how Alleria develops her affinity to the Void and meets her mentor Locus-Walker. This plays out later in Patch 7.3, when Alleria and Locus-Walker reunite in Mac'Aree and The Seat of the Triumvirate. Her training culminates in taking L'ura's essence, the fallen Naaru at the end of The Seat of the Triumvirate, which allows her to transform into a Void being at will.
In this short story, Alleria is drawn to the Void despite the alarming possibilities, possibly ending in self-sacrifice:
"The Light seeks one path and shuns all others as lies. The Shadow seeks every possible path and sees them all as truth."
More visions. Possible futures. She saw Xe'ra, the Mother of Light, declaring her a heretic and calling for her death. She saw her blood on Turalyon's sword. She saw Arator calling an army of paladins to hunt her down, only to fall with her arrows in his throat. She saw herself kneeling before the One Who Slumbers beneath Azeroth's waves. She saw herself killing it and taking its place, leading a throng of horrors to consume every nation.
"My destiny does not end with the Light. It ends in darkness. I have known that for a long, long time." She met his gaze without blinking. "And if I do not follow that path, I put you, Arator, and all of Azeroth at risk. Please believe me."
Lothraxion spoke up. "I have known darkness, Alleria. I have seen lost creatures. You are not one of them. You have not crossed the threshold."
"I will, one day," she said simply.
Now in Battle for Azeroth, Alleria returns to Silvermoon in the hopes of reconnecting with her people--which sours quickly. She is permitted, however, to visit the Sunwell--which turns into a disaster as the Sunwell is sensitive to Void magic. Leaving the city, Alleria discovers the thriving community of Void Elves, and has a new purpose: teach her kin to master the darkness which resides in them.
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